An importer, manufacturer, and distributor of specialty hardware and complementary products.


    An importer, manufacturer, and distributor of specialty hardware and complementary products.

Over 130,000 products (SKUs) in a wide variety of categories including; furniture, glass and building decorative and functional hardware, lighting systems, finishing and decorating products, ergonomic workstation components, kitchen and closet storage solutions, sliding door systems, decorative and functional panels, high-pressure laminates, railings and baluster, floor protection products as well as accessories for power tools. This offering is complemented by the specialty items manufactured by two of their subsidiaries, Cedan Industries Inc. and Menuiserie des Pins Ltd. These include a broad range of veneer sheets and edge banding products, a variety of decorative moldings, and components for the window and door industry.

Many of the products are manufactured according to Richelieu’s specifications and those of their customers. More than 60% of their overall offering is sold under their own brands.


An agent for change in a dynamic and creative industry.



